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Cernaval Group Shipyards


CERNAVAL, S.A. complying with the requirements established in Law 2/2023, of February 20, 2023, regulating the protection of people who report regulatory and anti-corruption infractions, it has implemented an IRREGULARITY REPORTING CHANNEL and developed a Manual in which we can highlight:

Whistleblowing Channel

It is the means through which any employee, collaborator or subcontractor, and person outside the company can denounce or report confidentially on facts or irregular conduct, in which an employee of CERNAVAL, S.A. has directly or indirectly intervened., guaranteeing that it will be rigorously investigated, adopting the measures that are appropriate in accordance with internal and external regulations.

What I can report on

In the Whistleblowing Channel you can report possible irregularities, breaches or behaviour contrary to our code of ethics, legislation or our internal regulations.

Such as, but not limited to, issues related to public procurement, bribery and corruption, competition law, fraud, financial crime and anti-money laundering, product safety, transport safety, food safety, animal health and animal welfare, public health, consumer protection, privacy and personal data protection, and network security,  infringements of competition rules and, lastly, serious or very serious criminal or administrative infringements. Very serious infractions that entail a breach for the Public Treasury and Social Security will always be considered very serious.

Means available to make a whistleblowing:
  • External whistleblowing channel through established official bodies.
  • Whistleblowing Channel established on the website
Complaint handling procedure:
  • Receipt of reports of irregularities, sending an acknowledgement of receipt of the complaint, by means of an identification code will be the date and time of submission, within a maximum period of 5 days.
  • Assessment of how best to address whistleblowing and protect and support the whistleblower;
  • Dealing with whistleblowing and the protection and support needs of the persons involved;
  • Conclusion of whistleblowing cases.
  • Issuance of report
Assurance of the whistleblower and other interested parties:
  • Absolute protection in all cases
  • Information will be shared only when strictly necessary.
  • support throughout the process, including regular communication, with special consideration for vulnerable people (e.g. children, young people, migrant workers, people with mental health problems or learning difficulties and older people)
  • When it affects the performance of the complainant’s duties, the place of work or the mechanisms for reporting information will be changed.
  • Any disruptive conduct or breach of confidentiality may be a disciplinary offense.
  • respect for the presumption of innocence and the honour of the persons concerned.

CERNAVAL, S.A., will consider any false or malicious accusation made deliberately as a very serious infraction, which may be sanctioned in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Ethics and Conduct, by application of labor and/or criminal regulations.



Recinto Portuario de Campamento,11314, SAN ROQUE (SPAIN)
+34 956 699 314


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